wedding update brochure- my favorite DIY project so far Meet the guests & welcome letter
My Dress, shoes, & necklace My logo My save the dates My invites Postcards for our guests My ring fans for the ceremony ceremony location hotel -catalonia riviera maya
Gifts for my honorary bridesmaids
cups for guests first aid kits for OOT bags OOT bags DIY medicine packets & chapstick
Hi Morgan. I am gettingh married in June at the Cat and loved everything that you did! I tried to find the templates but can't seem to locate them. Could you help? I would really appreciate anything you could do to assist!
hey i have the same necklace. JC Penny/Monet2?
Mine came from kohls, but I think that was the same brand. The flowers looked like starfish to me, so I felt like it fit my beachy theme.
Hi Morgan. I am gettingh married in June at the Cat and loved everything that you did! I tried to find the templates but can't seem to locate them. Could you help? I would really appreciate anything you could do to assist!
Thanks! Leigh Ann
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